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To blog or not to blog…

To blog or not to blog…

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     That is the question… It’s one of questions I asked myself during passing 2014, should I do it (again…as I used to have a blog) or not, if it’s a good idea, if I will find time to write and most importantly – will I have a subject to write about?
Statistics shows that I wasn’t only one asking that questions – Google search came with About 2,310,000,000 results (0.29 seconds) witch means that people wonder the same things. I see there is awfully lot of blogs that start like that – but hey, corny and cheese won’t hurt anybody.
     I recently stumbled on Joshua Becker’s article about whether to blog or not and I suddenly got motivated to start one. His 15 pros got me wonder – if I will become a better version of myself? Because it doesn’t cost me any money, only my free time I decided to give it a shot.
     Blog is something personal, well usually at least, so I don’t want to call it a blog, rather an idea box. I read a lot about productivity, project management, leadership and many other aspects and I would like to share my thoughts on that with the world – even if world isn’t ready.
I thought that something about me should be said, but as Shawn Adrian says, one shouldn’t write a lot I don’t want to bore people here, so I will say this:
“Still young individual, open to new challenges and tasks. Interested in new technologies, project management, productivity and IT sector.
Geek and Apple enthusiast.”
     There is one more reason why I am doing this… Every year I do list of goals for following year, this year I decided to go even further than usually, after reading great post by Michael Hyatt, I did it the Evernote way and one of points is “Start a blog” – so here it is.
PS. I am aware that millions of blogs starts that way, but frankly I don’t care at this point 🙂

* Picture source:
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