That is the question… It’s one of questions I asked myself during passing 2014, should I do it (again…as I used to have a blog) or not, if it’s a good idea, if I will find time to write and most importantly – will I have a subject to write about?
Statistics shows that I wasn’t only one asking that questions – Google search came with About 2,310,000,000 results (0.29 seconds) witch means that people wonder the same things. I see there is awfully lot of blogs that start like that – but hey, corny and cheese won’t hurt anybody.
I recently stumbled on Joshua Becker’s article about whether to blog or not and I suddenly got motivated to start one. His 15 pros got me wonder – if I will become a better version of myself? Because it doesn’t cost me any money, only my free time I decided to give it a shot.
Blog is something personal, well usually at least, so I don’t want to call it a blog, rather an idea box. I read a lot about productivity, project management, leadership and many other aspects and I would like to share my thoughts on that with the world – even if world isn’t ready.
I thought that something about me should be said, but as Shawn Adrian says, one shouldn’t write a lot I don’t want to bore people here, so I will say this:
“Still young individual, open to new challenges and tasks. Interested in new technologies, project management, productivity and IT sector.
Geek and Apple enthusiast.”
Geek and Apple enthusiast.”
There is one more reason why I am doing this… Every year I do list of goals for following year, this year I decided to go even further than usually, after reading great post by Michael Hyatt, I did it the Evernote way and one of points is “Start a blog” – so here it is.
PS. I am aware that millions of blogs starts that way, but frankly I don’t care at this point 🙂
* Picture source: